Betel Nut - Green Asia Commodities


The Betel nut tree, a graceful and feathery palm reaching a height of approximately 1.5 meters, is a tropical marvel widely cultivated in regions such as India, Bangladesh, Japan, Sri Lanka, South China, the East Indies, the Philippines, and parts of Africa. Flourishing in the warmth of tropical climates, these palm trees bear fruit throughout the year, making them a consistent presence in the landscapes they grace.

The nut from the Betel nut tree is versatile and can be utilized in various forms—fresh, dried, or cured through methods such as boiling, baking, or roasting. A traditional preparation involving the Betel nut is the quid, a mixture of areca nut, tobacco, and lime neatly wrapped in the leaf of the betel vine.

While often referred to as a nut, the areca nut is technically not a true nut but rather a drupe. It is commercially available in dried, cured, and fresh forms. In its fresh state, the husk presents a vibrant green, and the nut within is soft enough to be cut with a regular knife. As the fruit ripens, the husk transitions to shades of yellow or orange, and with the drying process, the inner fruit hardens to a wood-like consistency. At this stage, slicing the areca nut requires a specialized scissors-like cutter, showcasing the unique preparation methods associated with this tropical gem.


Grade & Specification

Moisture05% max
Good cut ratio70%-75%, 80%-85%